myths and facts regarding how to boost your immune system naturally

myths and facts regarding how to boost your immune system naturally

August is the National Vaccination Awareness Month, this day is celebrated every year to create awareness about the importance of vaccination. One thing that is often said about vaccination is that it strengthens our immunity. Today we will know how much truth is there in this?

Myth 1: Vaccines weaken immunity

Facts: According to a report published in India TV, Dr. Neha Rastogi Panda, infectious disease consultant at Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram, says that vaccines work to strengthen our immunity to protect us from many types of diseases. When the body actually encounters the disease, then this vaccine heals our body quickly. At the same time, it protects it from getting seriously ill.

Myths 2: Can we strengthen our immunity naturally or through vaccines?

Facts: If you want to increase your immunity in a natural way, then sometimes immunity becomes stronger after a serious and life-threatening disease. Many diseases can now be prevented by vaccines, which cure immunity in a much safer way than natural infection and its complications.

Myths 3: Can you strengthen your immunity with supplements?

Facts: Even though vitamins like zinc, vitamin D and C and iron are important for a healthy immune system, it is not necessary that if you eat these then it will do wonders to your body. To stay healthy and strengthen your immunity, you must include whole grains, lean protein, fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Myths 4: If someone follows a good and healthy diet, is vaccination not necessary?

Facts: Maintaining a healthy weight and following proper hygiene practices such as frequent hand washing and personal hygiene can help prevent infections. It is important to understand that these methods do not eliminate the need for vaccination. Vaccines provide protection against specific diseases that cannot be achieved by healthy living and good personal hygiene alone. For example, highly infectious diseases such as flu and hepatitis B pose serious risks to a person if he or she is not vaccinated.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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